Products & Services

Installation and Maintenance

At SIAN Biogas, we understand that a smooth installation and reliable maintenance are crucial for unlocking the full potential of your biogas digester. That’s why we offer comprehensive services, backed by our dedicated team of experts and unwavering commitment to quality.

With our expert installation, comprehensive maintenance plans, and unwavering commitment to quality, we provide a complete solution that goes beyond just selling digesters. 

Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and unlock a brighter, more sustainable future with SIAN Biogas!

Choosing the Right Digester

The best digester type depends on specific needs and considerations, such as:

  • Organic waste volume: Match the digester capacity to your waste generation to ensure efficient operation.
  • Budget: Consider the initial and ongoing costs of the systems, including installation, maintenance, and gas storage solutions.
6m³ Powerhouse
  • Ideal for: Households, small farms, eco-lodges
  • Feedstock: Livestock manure, vegetable waste 
  • Biogas Output: Up to 3 m³ per day
  • Maintenance: Minimal, monthly checks on gas pressure, water level, and digestate
  • Perfect for: Reducing waste, cooking fuel for small households, powering small-scale lamps
8m³ Efficiency Champion
  •   Ideal for: Larger households, small-scale farms
  • Feedstock: Livestock manure, agricultural waste
  • Biogas Output: Up to 3-4 m³ per day
  • Maintenance: Similar to 6m³, with slightly more frequent slurry removal
  • Perfect for: Supplying cooking fuel for small to medium households and meeting lighting needs
12m³ Sustainable Partner
  • Ideal for: Medium-sized farms, rural communities, eco-tourism projects
  • Feedstock: Diverse options like livestock manure, food waste, crop residues
  • Biogas Output: Up to 5-6 m³ per day
  • Maintenance: Requires slightly more technical expertise, with quarterly professional checks recommended
  • Perfect for: Generating fuel for cooking, heating, and potentially small-scale electricity generation
16m³ Energy Hub
  • Ideal for: Slightly large farms, agricultural cooperatives, off-grid communities
  • Feedstock: Wide range of organic waste, including animal waste and dedicated energy crops
  • Biogas Output: Up to 6-7 m³ per day
  • Maintenance: Regular professional monitoring and maintenance crucial for optimal performance
  • Perfect for: Generating fuel for cooking, heating,  powering agricultural machinery
20m³ Sustainable Powerhouse
  • Ideal for: Large farms, waste management projects
  • Feedstock: Diverse organic waste streams, including animal waste and food crops
  • Biogas Output: Up to 7-9 m³ per day
  • Maintenance: Comprehensive professional management essential for efficient operation
  • Perfect for: Generating cooking fuel for larger households,  electricity generation, waste-to-energy solutions for major facilities

Contact us

Ready to unlock the transformative power of biogas for you or your community?

We're here to answer your questions, discuss your needs, and help you find the perfect biodigester solution.

We look forward to partnering with you on your journey towards clean energy, sustainable lifestyles, and a brighter future!


Kapsoit Center, along Kericho - Kisumu Highway, P.O Box 1156-20200 Kericho, Kenya.


(254) 720 024 212

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