The Fixed Dome-Shaped System


Fixed dome digester system typically constructed underground with a rigid, fixed dome made of concrete, steel, or fiberglass

Concrete, steel or fiberglass dome

The digester itself is a sealed chamber where organic waste undergoes anaerobic digestion, producing biogas and nutrient-rich digestate. The gas collects in the upper portion of the dome, displacing digestate into a separate storage tank.

Key Features:

  • High durability: Fixed dome systems are typically built to last 30 years or more due to their robust construction materials.
  • Large capacity: These systems offer larger capacities, catering to farms, businesses, and communities with higher organic waste volume.
  • Internal gas storage: Biogas is stored within the dome itself, simplifying gas handling and potentially offering higher pressure for larger applications.
  • Relatively high cost: Due to complex construction and materials, fixed dome systems have a higher initial investment compared to other options.


  • Large-scale farms and agricultural operations generating significant organic waste.
  • Industrial facilities or communities with high waste production and energy demand.
  • Remote locations where readily available skilled labor and materials for alternative systems might be limited.

Contact us

Ready to unlock the transformative power of biogas for you or your community?

We're here to answer your questions, discuss your needs, and help you find the perfect biodigester solution.

We look forward to partnering with you on your journey towards clean energy, sustainable lifestyles, and a brighter future!


Kapsoit Center, along Kericho - Kisumu Highway, P.O Box 1156-20200 Kericho, Kenya.


(254) 720 024 212

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